Booking Terms & Conditions

Find out all the information you need about spending your winter holidays with us in Macugnaga and the Monte Rosa.

1. Monte Rosa Holidays is the trading name of Monte Rosa Holidays Ltd., hereafter ‘the Company’.

2. There is no binding contract between the company and the person booking the holiday and those included in the booking, hereafter ‘the Client’, until:

a) the appropriate deposit of 10% per person has been received by the Company; and

b) the booking has been confirmed by the Company in writing.

3. The balance of the holiday price should be paid six weeks prior to departure. If a holiday is booked less than six weeks before the departure date, the full holiday price is due immediately on completion of the booking. The price of your holiday is fully guaranteed and will not be subject to any surcharges. All prices quoted are fully inclusive of non optional charges.

4. The Company may cancel the booking any time prior to the ‘balance due’ date, but will only do so after that date if:

a) monies from the Client are still due; or

b) reasons amounting to ‘Force Majeure’ outside the company’s control render cancellation to be in the interest of the Client, for example natural disaster, inclement weather, war, political unrest, riots, strikes and disease, resort closure. In such cases, other than where monies from the Client are still due, any monies received by the Company in respect of the cancelled booking will be refunded (minus an administration charge of €50 per person) to the Client and the Company will not have any further liability to the Client.

5. In the event of the Client canceling the holiday of any person or persons on the booking form, the Company will apply the following cancellation charges for each such person:

More than 42 days before the holiday departure date – Deposit only.

Between 42 and 31 days before holiday departure date – 40% of total holiday price.

Between 30 and 15 days before holiday departure date – 50% of total holiday price.

Between 14 and 0 days before holiday departure date – 100% of total holiday price.

6. Cancellations must be made in writing and sent to the company email address ( Cancellation charges apply from the date of arrival of the cancellation email. Cancellation charges will not apply in the event of a person or persons being substituted on the booking by the same number of persons cancelled.

7. Any specific requests by the Client, such as matters concerning diet or allergies, must be advised to the Company when booking the holiday. Whilst endeavouring to fulfill all specific requests, the Company is not liable to the Client if it fails to do so.

8. Save as set out in Condition 9 below, the Company’s liability to the client in all cases in respect of any booking is limited to a maximum of twice the booking price of the person affected in total. Also the Client is assumed to have taken out adequate travel insurance prior to departure on holiday, the Company will in no circumstances be liable to the Client for any damage or loss to any luggage or other property of the Client caused by a party other than the Company, its employees, sub-contractors, suppliers or agents.

9. The Company will not accept liability for any fatal or other injury or illness suffered by the Client save for negligent acts and/or omissions of the Company’s employees, suppliers, sub-contractors, servants or agents providing that they were at the time carrying out work authorised by the Company and the claim does not arise by acts or omissions of the Client or those of a third party not connected with the Client’s holiday and which were unforeseeable or unavoidable or an event which the Company or the supplier of the service could not have foreseen or avoided even with all due care.

10. Subject to conditions 8 and 9 above, the Company will not accept liability for the operations or omissions of any facility or company in the vicinity of Macugnaga, hereafter ‘the resort’, even if advertised or recommended by the Company.

11. The lead person making the booking warrants with the Company that he/she has the authority of all persons named thereon to contract on their behalf the services requested on booking.

12. It is the responsibility of the Client to check the accuracy of all documentation.

13. The Client will ensure that he/she has adequate travel insurance or other insurances and is insured for third party liability for injury and damage.

14. Clients are liable for all damage caused by their actions or the actions of children for whom they are responsible. Reimbursement of any damage caused by the client must be paid to the Company’s representative in the resort.

15. In the unlikely event of any dissatisfaction with the accommodation or any of the services provided during the holiday, the matter must be reported immediately to the Company’s resort manager so that action can be taken by the Company. Unless the opportunity for rectification of complaints is given to a representative of the Company whilst the client is in the resort, the Company will not accept responsibility at a later date. If the Company is unable to resolve the problem satisfactorily during the Client’s stay, the Client should admit his/her complaint in writing to within 28 days of the scheduled date of return from the holiday, advising the Company of the action taken and the names of the people to whom the matter was reported. The company will not accept liability for complaints made outside this period. Moreover, the Company will not accept liability for complaints unless a report form has been obtained from the resort manager by the Client, and then completed and signed by both parties.

16. Bedrooms and self-catering apartments are allocated by the Hoteliers. The Company will not accept liability for complaints based on one bedroom (or apartment) being deemed less attractive than another on account of its size, views, character and location.

17. The Company makes every effort to give accurate information and cannot be liable to the client in the event of changes.

18. The Company view expressed in the web site is the personal view of a member of the Company’s staff. Whilst our staff will express personal opinions based on first hand knowledge of the resort, the final choice of holiday remains that of the Client. The Company will not accept any verbal statement made by a member of its staff unless it is confirmed in writing prior to the departure date of the Client’s holiday.

*Data Protection Statement – Please be assured that we have measures in place to protect the personal booking information held by us. This information will be passed on to the principal and to the relevant suppliers of your travel arrangements. The information may also be provided to public authorities such as customs or immigration if required by them, or as required by law. Certain information may also be passed on to security or credit checking companies and debt collecting agencies.

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