What to Pack for a Skiing Holiday

Unlike the all-inclusive trip to Malaga, when holidaying in remote winter conditions, it’s important to know what to pack for a skiing holiday as the location may not be as commercially abundant as you’d prefer.

There is a lot more to remember when skiing and the luggage generally takes up more room than a few bikinis.

Obviously, locations differ throughout the world but not everything can be catered for and some essential items may not be available to buy or even hire once at the resort.

Depending on your level of experience, what to pack for a skiing holiday will differ between beginner and advanced skiers. If it is your first time, you may want to consider hiring some of those available items at the resort.

Essential Toiletries List

Many of the toiletries will overlap with those of a summer holiday with some surprising similarities.

bathroom, tooth brush, soap-3497064.jpg
  • Dental hygiene – toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Hair – hairbrush, hair ties, shampoo, conditioner and hair products.
  • Skin – soap, face wash, body wash, deodorant, hand sanitiser, shaving kit, moisturiser, wipes and sunblock/lip block – the sun is very strong in the mountains when the sun bounces off the snow at high altitude so we highly recommend a cream and lip block with a high factor.
  • Small first aid kit – aching muscles, bruises, scrapes and blisters are commonplace
  • Prescription medication

The Journey Out

Before the journey to your destination, you will have planned and researched the requirements for the area and have the necessary documents at hand and ready for hand luggage.

Those seasoned travellers amongst you will know by now that certain familiar brands can’t be purchased throughout the world and alternative, foreign products just don’t taste the same.

Therefore, if you are overly concerned about certain home comforts you may want to consider taking your own teabags, ketchup, chocolate bars and certain spreads or sauces. Some people even take their breakfast cereals with them.

  • Passport/VISA
  • Flight/Train tickets/e-confirmation
  • EHIC Card
  • Mobile Phones, chargers and travel adaptors
  • Insurance Documents
  • Local currency and payment cards
  • Snacks/Drinks
  • Games/magazines/cards for quiet nights in
  • iPad/tablet/GoPro or Camera for action clips
  • Batteries

What to pack for a skiing holiday when skiing

What to pack for a skiing holiday when out and about

There is life beyond the slopes and lots more to explore, so when considering what to pack for a skiing holiday don’t forget the evening attire.

  • Jumpers – or multiple layers of something with long sleeves
  • Jeans/Trousers – thermals if really cold
  • Footwear – a comfortable pair of walking boots/shoes
  • Slippers/thermal socks with grip – not all chalets have heated floors
  • Swimwear – yes, cold places have hot tubs and, depending on where you are in the world, sunbathing also happens at high altitude
  • Sunglasses – you are gonna need these for when you don’t have ski goggles on
  • Sleepwear/onesie – for those cold winter nights
  • Hat, scarf and gloves – when wandering out and about in the evening

If you are new to skiing, it may seem like a daunting task to decide what to ack for a skiing holiday but the key is – as with everything holiday-based – all in the planning.

Here at Monte Rosa Holidays, we can help you decide what is necessary for your first or 31st time on the slopes. Don’t hesitate to ask – Booking | Contact Monterosa | Italian Ski Holidays (monterosaholidays.com)

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